Free Download Thesis Theme for WordPressA 3-column template system with spectacular typography and customizable, rotating images
Just a WordPress theme? Hardly. Thesis is a search engine optimized HTML + CSS + PHP framework equipped with an innovative options panel that makes it easy for anyone to run a professional, customized blog or Website (without being a code jockey).
The Thesis Theme for WordPress is a high-quality template system that you can use to improve your site immediately.
Thesis boasts the strongest SEO of any theme on the market today thanks to its expertly-coded HTML + CSS + PHP framework. The days of worrying about your in-site SEO are over—with Thesis, your strategy is “just add links.”
Not a coder? Not a problem. The Thesis options panel allows you to command your site with ease, while Thesis does all of the heavy lifting behind the scenes.
- SEO: the degree to which your code and content are organized and optimized for both search engines and people
- accessibility: your ability to reach different audiences—those with special needs, people using alternative Web browsers, mobile users, etc.
- usability: how effectively your users are able to navigate and interact with your site
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